
According to greek news reports, sources in the Hellenic Navy have identified the “fishing boat” as a known asset of the turkish intelligence services. There is even a name for the vessel being provided, but the spelling of it doesn't seem turkish, so I'm taking it with a pinch of salt. The above, however, is

So, by your logic, all Russia has to do is declare part of Turkey a ‘disputed area’ and overfly at will. Listen, there is either respect for the Law or lack of it. According to UNCLOS, Greece is entitled to extend its territorial waters to 12nm. Turkey says no. Interpretation of the Law to fit one's (or one's bosom

No, but having double standards is. Both countries are indeed NATO members, with one NATO member, Turkey, having a declared standing casus belli since 1995 against the other NATO member, Greece, is said NATO member extends its territorial waters to 12nm, as its sovereign right under UNCLOS.

Just like Kurdish fighters defending Kobani were treated, as per the Geneva Convention, right? Oh... wait...

Is Israel sponsoring terrorists? Not the same thing indeed.

Look again. You’ll find overflights above Greek islands. Granted, these constitute no more than 1% of all violations, but they are there. On occasions, Turkish F-16s buzz islands at 500 feet.

Conveniently, most of the 100 people were Kurds or pro-Kurdish protesters. Also conveniently, the explosion occurred just days before an election for which Erdogan was pushing a ‘stability and security’ agenda.

Probably just as long as it takes Russia to supply the Kurds with SAM capabilities. And not a moment too soon, too. If there is one group of people that totally deserve their own state in that troubled area, that’s the Kurds. And, that, BTW is a big part of the reason this whole mess came about. The area in which the

Also forgot ISIS jihadist blows himself up (after the mandatory cry of 'Allahu Akbar', of course)

So let me get straight: you are actually suggesting that the West should co-operate with the ISIS psychopaths just so it can stick it to Russia? There’s a lot of dead Parisians, Syrians, Iraqis, Russians (OK I get it that you hate Russia so much that you don’t give a shit for murdered civilians if they are Russian),

Toyotas come with rearward-facing cameras these days. You’d have thunk that the military caught up by now. Go figure! :)

After the Mavi Marmara incident, I think that there is a higher chance that Israel will sell the Iron Dome to Satan before they sell it to the Turks -at least with the current islamofascist government in power. And rightly so. You can maybe fool the Israelis once, but I doubt that you can do it twice.

In all fairness, Russia never claimed to be fighting ISIS alone. They said they are fighting ‘terrorists’ and included all anti-Assad factions in that bag. Very similar to -but actually slightly better than- pretending to be fighting ISIS while bombing the only credible force against ISIS, the Kurds. And being a

The ‘dispute’ is very much one-sided Turkey has declared that Greece extending its territorial waters to 12nm is casus belli and has several claims on Aegean Islands. You are right, of course, that Greece doesn’t want to start a war, but you are wrong w.r.t respective strengh. Sure, the Turkish armed forces are 3-4

Dude, look at the map the Turks themselves published. Even if we accept the Turkish side of events, the flight path of the Su-24 over Turkish territory gives a distance of about 2 miles. The Turks themselves circulated a document in the UN saying that the violation lasted for 17 seconds. They were broadcasting on

Erm, unless that slash is meant to group NATA and the EU together, a minor correction: Turkey is not a member of the EU: it’s a candidate for EU membership.

Hmmm... Something doesn’t add up. If the stated objective is “...establishment of extensive zones of radioactive contamination...” then a neutron bomb is not the way to go. Neutron bombs are generally ‘clean’. They produce a very high amount of radiation yes (in the lighter, more energetic spectrum of emissions), but

The BBC unbiased? HAHHAHAHAHAHA! Best joke I've heard in months! Still, kudos for using the words 'BBC' and 'no bias' in the same sentence.

Nope. But once it makes itself known, bogey can focus all its radar energy to a much smaller arc instead of scanning the entire horizon, which would increase the radar return even from an LO airframe. Also, IRST capabilities are growing by leaps these days, and this is a portion of the EM spectrum in which the F-35 is

Indeed. Except the helmet cueing system on the F-35 doesn’t work yet. I'm sure it'll get there eventually, but until it does, it's just another great feature that will eventually come on-stream. On a number of 4Gen fighters, including the F-16, they do. Plus, I’ve yet to see the solution to launching off-boresight