
Nope. Dogfights occur, by definition, at relatively short distances between combatants and low observability matters less and less as distances shrink. It’s more about platform and weapon kinematics at these ranges, and given that the F-35 bleeds too much speed when maneuvering, and its helmet cueing just can't be

Nope. The moment the F-35 opens those bay doors it’s not stealthy anymore. Anyway, stealth is not invisibility and stealth is not only about EM signatures. The P&W engine on the back of that thing runs so hot, it’s as good as a bullseye for heatseekers.

You are making a couple of fundamental mistakes here. First, you are assuming that the F-22 is going to have a first-shot capability. Both the Russians and the Chinese are investing very heavily in AESA radars, making lower-band long-range radar systems firing-solution capable, and IRST. Just because the F-22 is LO