
You realize Trump has insulted people throughout his lifetime and this election, correct? And you’re including him in “the best and brightest of us.” He’s not above the same vitriol that calls him an ugly orange fuckface, because he’s shown that that’s the person he is. Go ahead, believe otherwise, but you’re a

Ah yes, because a person enjoys taking pictures of themselves, with a camera built into their phone for that exact purpose, they are narcissistic little devils that think of no one other than themselves. I suppose you tell at the youngsters to get off your lawn, too?


Dream Theater??? Of all bands.........

I'd rather have a completely transparent roof with some birdshit that can easily be washed off rather than...what we have today. Yeah. I think it pretty much speaks for itself.

I’m so happy to hear that you can do that! It’s great you’re not as much of an asshole anymore on the internet anymore :)