The reason more outlets didn’t cover this is because their writers were too busy tying their panties into a knot. Followed by outrage. The outrage of the people! Who ignore the steroid issue until it became an outrage!
The reason more outlets didn’t cover this is because their writers were too busy tying their panties into a knot. Followed by outrage. The outrage of the people! Who ignore the steroid issue until it became an outrage!
Montreal got thoroughly destroyed, but during even strength play the Lightning were far from “firing on all cylinders.”
Good thing there is no way Floyd will ever find out what his son said about him.
My 2006 A4 avant before it needed simply oil changes in 2 years. Aside from the failing Tiptronic...
Meh, I don’t really even have a witty comment to make. Probably the only thing that comes to mind is good riddance, and what an absolute moron. He threw away his entire life for nothing. All of the money he stood to make from football is gone. All of the potential on-field success and accolades are no more. Most…
I thought Pierce would be the last guy to stab someone in the back.
Also, the Mets franchise tested positive for lolololol.