
That was the biggest WTF moment for me when I watched this, especially because at one point (spoiler alert, I guess), JGL screams into the PA system and tells the 85 passengers that the terrorists have no real weapons, just shards of glass. And yet it still takes like 10 minutes for the terrorists to be overtaken

“On Saturday morning, I read that the Scottish government is proceeding with its controversial gender recognition plans, which will in effect mean that all a man needs to ‘become a woman’ is to say he’s one.”

You’ve just perfectly described me — a real special kind of stupid. That would actually make a nice pop song title...

I remember seeing this film in a movie theater and being so distracted with trying to figure out whether this was computer animation or actual robots that were filmed.

I don’t get it... Why are the two box office numbers different?

The Luke Wilson I have in my mind, the one I’ve cobbled together from years of watching him in movies and TV...he’s actually that guy! I love it.

Thank you, AVClub, for recommending this movie. We saw it last night and I believe our grins were brighter than Claire Danes’ in-love glow. It’s just such a winning film in every way.

I don’t understand why Matthew Lillard did not voice Shaggy... He’s done like all the other animated DTV ones...?

Didya get that thing I sentcha?

Now I’m imagining Daniel Day-Lewis as Raiden. My goodness, he just has to come out of retirement...

Any film that features Orbital is automatically 10/10. Plus we also get Praga Khan! The cheese in this movie could supply the entire state of Wisconsin for decades. God, I love this movie.

It’s no coincidence than this essay is nostalgia delivered via IV, by IV. You know how people say something is “achingly beautiful”? That’s this. Even though I never even knew of this store’s existence until now, I now feel so bereft.

My most favorite ScarJo performance by a country mile. When she begins to have real feelings, it’s so heartbreaking.

He took stammering to unseen levels in Sense and Sensibility. The scene by the mantel is the single most stammery acting you will ever witness!

Notting Hill used to be my #1 romcom, until I saw Roman Holiday. Now it is #2. Both movies are fantastic, all involved working at the height of their respective powers.

The funniest part of this episode was the idea that a Hillary administration would enact a rise in corporate taxes...

I watched this in 8th grade English class. The thing I remember best is that there was a rumor that there’s a “curse word” in the film. I think it might have been “shit”? It caused so much anticipation that when it actually occurred, it was a kind of a letdown.

How much time has passed between now and the deathbed? Like ten years? That’s how old Kevin’s kids look to me. With Rebecca’s fast mental decline, I doubt she would have lasted a couple of years without St. Louis. So I’m with Melissa: I bet Randall’s pushy push did the trick and the Pearson matriarch had a good long

Well, I complained about the Cain-and-Abel-like tension between Randall and Kevin in the previous episode, but this blowout made it worth it. Good job, writers. I kept thinking somebody was gonna throw a punch, but this was far, far worse. It was nice to see they’d made up to some degree in the future scene, but I

Two thoughts: