
Take Ben out...for ice cream?  Colin will totally do it!  He’s got a green card now.

100% agreed. Keep your dick in your pants and nothing bad happens, you know? It’s not a difficult concept.

When the episode ended and the credits rolled and the preview came up and the announcer said “TWO MORE EPISODES,” I was so happy. Just two more, that’s it. Then I’m free of you forever, The Affair, forever and ever...

I used to be entertained by Noah’s stupidity. Now it’s just sad. Honestly, it’s remarkable how this show finds new ways to disappoint me with each passing week. Looks like Sasha is indeed turning into the convenient evil force to bring Noah and Helen back together.

Yay to choices! I just realized that I loved Aronfsky’s “Mother!” Maybe it’s just movies with “Mother” in the title that I like...

“This is a little selfish and irresponsible for me to say, but I confess that I always just shoot the film I want to see. The standard for the audience is just me.

In next week’s preview, we see the young Beth, and I have to wonder: are we sure Ang Lee hasn’t been called into this show with his de-aging team? Every time I see the young Beth actress, I think the show literally has traveled through time. This Is Us has the crackerjackiest casting crew, bar none.

If Joanie wants to die, she can simply throw herself into the ocean... It’d be less embarrassing than what she’s going through now, purely on a plot/sensical level.

Also Gwen, I totally agree with you re: Joanie failing to record Ben. Let’s not forget that this entire Joanie line takes place in the future, and can you imagine everyone NOT recording in the future? Look at the way we take photos and videos with our phones nowadays. A few decades from now, storage will be so cheap

I’m beginning to think that the entire Joanie section is taking place in her head or something (again, going back to the Black Mirror-ish future, perhaps we’ll find her with a blinky round thing on her temple in the last episode). Because that’s like the only way her stupidity could be explained. When I saw her sign

I stopped watching this movie when Emma Thompson appears in the writers’ room and doesn’t know anyone except for one guy, whom she hasn’t seen since the writer’s child was a baby. Who I believe is now 27?

And yet Milo and Mandy look crazy youthful in the flashbacks of their meet-cute — the makeup department of this show is performing some dark magic, I must say.

I was shocked how much the teen-Pearson kids have grown. They really do grow up right before our eyes, don’t they? Weaponization of the past is absolutely dead on — now that the kids portraying the older actors have grown, we have something like a Russian-doll nostalgia effect happening here.

Of course, this hardly holds a candle to Alison pushing Scotty right into the road as Helen drives the car that runs him over. The show is like a terrible Rube Goldberg machine...

Thank you so much for referencing this — I heard it and watched Overlord over the weekend! Didn’t even know about the movie. Really liked it, too, and what a fine job Wyatt did, so different than Dud in every way.  Felt like he channeled his dad’s badassedness into his character, which is of course awesome.

Good catch regarding E = Eddie. I thought the baby would make a future appearance, too, since, you know, it’s The Affair, which really at this point should be renamed The Coincidence.

I don’t think I’ll ever tire of seeing Dud be super enthused about something and then immediately asking just what it was that he’s super enthused about.  Wyatt Russell is so damn perfect in this role.

Can “Part I: Eddie” be far behind?

Has to be... Seems like this person has been ball boying for like 20 years (Moya, Agassi, etc.).

To give you an idea what a dinosaur I am, when I saw Whitney put on makeup in the bathroom, I thought she was wearing a slip. No, it's a dress...