
I hope they will screen Afterglow. It’s the first Julie Christie movie I saw (and the first Rudolph), and she was wonderful and the film was quirky in all the right ways.

The thing I remember most about this movie is that there is an Atari 2600 cartridge that factors into the plot. Is it where the chip is placed? I remember being really fascinated by that for some reason. Also, Dabney Coleman was wonderful, playing two very different characters.

This is a show that specializes in messing with expectations, so rest assured, it isn’t Deja they’re wringing their hands about. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if it does have to do with Beth, or Rebecca, or somebody else entirely.

Fyi, this episode was directed by Joanna Kerns. In case you didn’t know who that is, she played the mom in Growing Pains, Maggie Seaver. Nice to see her name in the credits of a tv show again.

Finn Polmar!!!

No, but now we can add “asian throne” to the ever-growing list of ersatz “casting couches.”

Same here. After the no lines joke, I thought well, that’s it, no more Avis jokes, but then he said “We try harder” and I just about lost it!

If you were to do a Jay Leno “Jaywalking” type of thing and ask people the capital of their state vs. name a rental company, I would not be surprised if they named Avis or Hertz faster than the capital...

Prediction: this series will end with Cameron getting pregnant with Joe’s child.