
God bless you, Ignatiy Vishnevetsky — I haven't laughed out loud reading a review in a long while. Just that first paragraph is total comedy gold. "His fully dressed body is lowered over a naked woman like a drawbridge." I wish I could un-see this image, but sadly, I cannot.

Miami might be a closer US equivalent of Busan…end of a peninsula, beaches, etc.?

I think that was Too Close for Comfort — Monroe was the guy who was kidnapped and was raped. They made it as funny as they could, but it still wasn't quite funny…

You can never have enough Woodleys in a movie.

Either that or Colonel Lingus wasn't available due to prior cunning commitments.

Me too. Of the late Allens, I have a fondness for Vicky Christina Barcelona, too. And let's not forget Blue Jasmine…the Woodman still comes up with gold every now and then…

Bless you, Sean O'Neal. You do snark like nobody else.

When I saw the Baseball Furies come marching out of this movie, that's when I realized this is one of those movies that have created a world of their own and can exist wholly inside it.

The thing I still remember about this movie is that very disturbing dream sequence that Broderick has, where Carrey is dressed up like a goblin/Smeagol and is lurching around in the dark. It kinda scared the hell out of me, actually, that bit. This was not a pleasant movie to watch, but not a terrible one.

While I can't stand Henry James as an author, the adaptations of The Wings of the Dove and What Maisie Knew are both so, so good.

I'm sure somebody already mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I loved how they got the phrase "office space" for Gary Cole/Kurt McVeigh/Bill Lumbergh. Just perfect. As for the rest of the episode, I don't know how many people "got" the parallel slap thing. I mean it was seven years ago. I can see why they

I felt so bad for Chris Evans in Snowpiercer…I just laughed and laughed when he delivered his baby-eating monologue. God, was that movie terrible.

When he shows up in Barton Fink the first time, I just about lost it. He is so good in that film — and his outsized performance just fits so well within the atmosphere of that movie. It is my favorite Coen Bros. film, bar none, and Lerner is a huge part of its eerie charm.

I think what you say used to be true, but not so much anymore. Yes, there are still terrible kid actors, but across the board, kid acting has improved a whole lot. Even in middling movies like The Boss (with Melissa McCarthy) has kids who can act pretty well. And ever since Hayley Joel Osment, we've had lots of

Well, we may not get Donald Glover as Spider-Man, but at least we get a black Batman…finally!

Am I the only one who saw the screencap above and thought, "Engage!"? That guy's hoodie totally reminds me of Picard's ST:TNG uniform.

Just saw this — thank you so much, A.A. Dowd, for highlighting it. That scene where Simin tries to return to Morteza's car after she is frightened by the firecrackers was just so well done, so natural. What I love about Farhadi's films is how wonderfully domestic they are, their quiet universality. I always think

I was hoping for a dream sequence where both Foster and Morrison sang and danced. Instead, we got Mr. Schue and sheep. Sigh.

Not even Tom Hardy clears the Tom Hardy bar every time…