
Bee Movie sequel

It also helps that his Photoshops are often extremely well done. Here's one posted just a few hours ago entitled "krame dating kim k": https://pbs.twimg.com/media…

And he was right to do it! Dylan is psychotic. I don't think anyone can argue that she's the real villain of the show now.

Considering it aired in the middle of summer, with no advertising, and was constantly bumped due to Father's Day and the 4th of July that isn't too bad.

But that's simply not true. Sure, The Simpsons merchandise and marketing was particularly Bart driven, but the show itself was never driven by Bart any more than any other character.

Well, Jesus is a pretty famous guy who happened to be Jewish. That would probably earn him VIP status, no?


You probably binged on Bart the General episodes. May God have mercy on your soul.

You're confusing your life with Rambo again.

Stay away from Bob's Burgers, Dick-dick.

And yet, somehow, he'd find himself quoting something said during the dinner, despite the fact that he can no longer remember who said it in what context.