That simply isn’t true. You’re thinking about trade-mark law.
That simply isn’t true. You’re thinking about trade-mark law.
This is spot on. The game, as a game, just isn’t that good. I think it’s hilarious that all these hardcore gamer types are such massive fanboys over this game, when the actual gameplay is as “casual” as it gets. The game is just boring.
You’re right that it would be especially unfair for guilty people, but here’s the real rub: /everyone/ is guilty of something. Smoking a joint, jaywalking, copyright related offences, whatever. Without a right to silence, the authorities could go on fishing expeditions and force you to account for yourself. Kangaroo…
The implications of what you are saying are truly terrifying and are entirely incompatible with living in a free society. A state that can compel incriminating testimony (or punish silence) is a police state, full stop. The right to remain silent in the face of criminal accusations is absolutely indispensible to…
Sorry, this needs to be responded to. The right against self-incrimination is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT. If the court can hold an accused’s person right to silence against them, then the entire burden of proof in criminal matters shifts. The right against self-incrimination is a crucial part of the foundation of living in…