
Ok lady running the site, psychopaths can’t be treated so what now?

Ready the pitchforks!

I just can’t picture this sort of thing ever happening at a gay wedding for some reason.

This woman is delusional if she thinks she’ll be the only one. Hate to break it to her, but she wasn’t special to him, so special that he had to cheat. He’s just a cheater.

You don’t wear a wedding dress to your engagement party. Soooo....

Still believes in his goodness? Girl, the man is a douchebag of epic proportions.

How is this funny? They just say things and then say “really?!” repeatedly.

The only thing surprising is it’s taken people this long to figure out what sort of person Trump is...

Why does even the name of the movie make me lol?

Indeed she did. What a shitty mom, amirite? Good mom Brooke lost her kids and bad mom Denise took care of them. Wait a minute...

Why does anyone still care about anything that comes out of Charlie Sheen’s mouth?

For no reason whatsoever...indeed...

That made me feel ragey too. Also the “it’s ok to embrace other women’s beauty and sexuality” part. Because bitches be so jealous.

I agree it’s a problem...I disagree with her portraying it the way she did! Feminism still needs advocates because it’s ok for women to embrace each other’s beauty and sexuality? Sounds to me like she’s talking about all the “jealous haters”. Because that’s the main reason women disagree, one is mad that the other one

I’m really afraid I’m going to be disappointed with this season of True Detective. Rachel McAdams? Meh. Colin Farrell? Sure, I guess. Vince Vaughan...no thanks. And who the heck are these two? They seem too hot - it makes me afraid that’s the only reason they were hired.

Is being a hipster still cool?

I’m only on episode 3 or 4, but Piper hasn’t been much of a focus this season. So that makes sense.

Lol, fair enough, you did write spoiler. I continued at my own peril!

Ah fack, I saw “spoiler” and for some reason I kept reading :( :( :(

I hate Larry. And Jason Biggs.