yo VIP lets kick it

If your taxes come out to roughly $0 owed or refunded you’re doing it right.

Other countries put tariffs on imports. I wouldnt mind paying more for goods if it meant more jobs here.

This is so weird. Four teens torture a mentally handicapped person for upwards of two days, and you’re pissed off because some piece of shit made a hashtag?

I’m the asshole at kart track usually, sorry. I can’t drive that aggressively with my real cars unless I want to cause some serious damage and hike up my insurance to insane amounts, so I take out all my stupidity in the (relative) safety of a kart track with a kart that isn’t worth much. There’s no real penalty to

More like Damsung.

Yeah, there is: the last brick has nothing to fall against, and thus falls flat, allowing the brick it’s holding up to fall. Try it yourself.

No, he wasn’t fought because he has a (D) behind his name, it was because he’s a failure and a liar. You know, Politifact’s Liar of The Year. That guy...

53% of white women who VOTED. There were too many who chose not to vote at all, and they are equally culpable.

Perhaps Obama should have taken fewer golfing trips and spent more time promoting his agenda. Then all this wouldn’t be “last minute”. Of course the administration was rock solid secure in their belief that the heir apparent would be crowned without a hitch.

Historically, Republicans have been behind pro-environment legislation. President Nixon started the EPA with an Executive Order and President George H.W. Bush signed into law the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.

It is far easier to destroy than it is to create. Obama had to contend with obstructionists and still managed to do quite a lot. Some of it good, some of it arguably horrible (I am not a fan of his executive action drone attacks, nor of the ACA - it should have been single payer). He’s still done more positive things

goodbye Obama, thanks for 8 years of making snowflakes and sensitive liberals absolutely fucking crazy

Seriously?! You still think aliens are a conspiracy theory? There are more galaxies out there than stars, and our planet is the only one to develop intelligent life? Cause why? Sky Santa breathed it into us, after he made us out of clay? There’s FAR more evidence of conspiracies than of that. Even if you do believe in

I wonder if you have a clue how many petroleum products you use in your life? US Automobile consumption is less than 3% of the petroleum products used in the US. Every time someone wants to find an alternative to Eastern oil, you freaks go nuts over it. At the same time, you use petroleum products in EVERY ASPECT

in the media, but i don’t think when the camera is off at work that he still spouts homosexual rhetoric to his employees. I’m sure he does things like, running a business.

Considering it’s the highest of any industrialized nation (which is insane) it has plenty of room to go down and still be affordable. Europe’s average is just north of 18% just to give you some much needed perspective.

Oh piss off. Debate? The same way the Dems “debated” about Obamacare behind closed doors to the point that Pelosi had to admit that “we need to pass the bill to find out what’s in it”? Yeah! They don’t like losing! Which is why your losing-side’s dumbasses have tried to alter the election Russian-style by harassing

Ohhhh, stop it. Trump might be a crazy person but we don’t elect our president via popular vote.

Because it doesn’t fit the Carlos Slim mandate that all Gawker-Ghost posts must clearly state that Trump is a 100% evil poopy-head.