yo VIP lets kick it

You mean the skilled labor that was trained by people who’s job they were taking? Its been extremely well documented that the H1B is about getting cheaper labor not more skilled labor.

How did you come to this sarcastic conclusion? What The1JMAC said is true. Gizmodo, especially once Gawker got killed, has increasingly become all about politics, not technology, and always with a left slant.

You can’t trust Gizmodo for anything anymore. It’s just a playpen for biased political journalism and [less] occasional pro-Apple fanboyism. I really used to like this place....

The liberals continue to lose their collective shit with everything Trump does. I love it.

I don’t read InfoWars for the same reason I take no stock in Politifact - they are both agenda driven propaganda tools.

Apparently you’re supposed to pander to the vocal politically correct minority and discriminate against your majority of applicants just to paint a pretty rainbow regardless of qualifications.

None of that is new or novel to the Left. Your list feels like a checklist of requirements to join the DNC.

How many Asians do you see in Hip Hop, basketball, Nascar, or pro hockey? Media has always made fun of the nerdy Asian guy, but we can’t ignore that stereotypes are based on reality. Btw, as an Asian guy in IT, I was denied the same federal financial aid as my hispanic and black counterparts with similar GPA and

The irony is that Chinese climate change deniers claim it’s a hoax created by America to make Chinese businesses uncompetitive. Also ironically, they have a more convincing argument.

If these firms that purportedly hire the “best” talent from across the country/world actually did it would be very diverse if this were a talent issue. There are so few positions that the employee makeup would be no more than 20-30% one race and near 50/50 gender.

Say Race A makes up 30% of the country and Race B makes up 70%.

You do not understand how the federal agencies work, at all, and neither does Trump. Neither ignorant Trump, or idiot Perry, can fire federal employees at will. Does NOT work like that. It is hilarious that anyone thinks that it is that easy to fire, or get rid of career federal employees. Hilarious, and ill informed.

You can tell Giz writers are mostly 20 somethings living with their parents. Prepare for 8 years of pouty articles like this. Maybe spend the day in your designated safe zone, you’ll feel better.

I miss the days of Gizmodo cribbing all their stories from Engadget. Not a big fan of all the WaPo re-writes.

WOW - can you - in the words of one of your heros (Amy Schumer) - even attempt information?

Oh, look at who’s got his panties in a twist...

Sounds like you people need to go find a safe space somewhere and snuggle up. Nobody stole anything, and you perpetual sufferers need to get over it. I realise these words will probably trigger you, but grow a pair and grow up.

Nothing has happened yet. I’m pissed trump was elected, but nothing has happened yet. Save the hyperbole. We have no fucking clue what dude is going to fuck up.

Start searching NSA and Snowden. I think you’ll find some compelling evidence. Then you might want to search James Clapper’s about-face to Congress. Again...some compelling evidence there as well. And while you’re at it, why not have a look at US Government and lying on google. If history is written by the victors,

I look forward to Peter Thiel continuing to kick the fuck out of you idiots. And all the folks you mention have achieved more than you ever will Kristen. You are a worthless fuck of a partisian blogger. You are no journalist.