yo VIP lets kick it

Nope ... 75% or more of the workforce will be replaced by machines. Touch screen ordering system, swipe your card or feed it some bills and get your food from the one or two people working in the back actually putting the order together. It is coming no matter what, it is better in every way for the McDonald’s owner

Ignorance is sad. Many gLiberals are ignorant as to the very basics of economics. I don’t have the time, nor the inclination to tutor you on economics, like I turtored students in college while I was getting my degree in business. After I quit my job and made the sacrifice and took the risk to make a better life.

1 in 5 people in America today claim to have a disability.

Its not magic, its called hard work and sacrifice. Also, working at McDonald’s, getting married, and squeezing out kids is a poor life choice.

I’m a diesel technician. I have many engine and OEM certifications and have to continually update them. I work on every aspect of a truck. Engine, transmission, driveline, complex electrical systems. And I have to actually give a shit about the work I do because if I fuck up, a minivan with a family in it might get

The minimum wage should be abolished out-right. The percentage of the workforce that actually earns the minimum wage is minuscule. These are jobs for teenagers, part time extra cash and something-to-do on the weekends or while the kids are at school. Entry level, no/low skill jobs aren’t about the money in most cases.

I have never seen two uglier people. I know that’s completely irrelevant but goddamn.

Sorry, that logic doesn’t fly at all. People that don’t like anyone could be argued to be susceptible to fake news that paints that person in a bad light. But somehow that doesn’t lead to the presumption that right-leaning Dem sites are “Russian propaganda,” right?

As much as I dislike Briebart, its really not THAT bad. Its comparable to Gizmodo when it talks about politics and not quite as bad as The Concourse. The opinions themselves they share are deff not always agreeable and as fact supported, but I don’t see much outright bullshit on there like many people claim. I scroll

Protesting is legal because it usually accomplishes nothing. The state doesnt care as you public pests keep on disturbing the peace. That leads to higher budgets next year, more overtime allotment, more forces...at your expense!

Its unreasonable to assume that protesting now and into the future will be effective by any

Trespassers and loiterers on private grounds should disperse. When ordered to do so they should comply immediately, maybe protest nearby on land that is suitable for such activity. Noncompliance makes you a criminal subject to retaliation and the full force of the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction.  

So, they’re burning stuff, causing damage, and not dispersing when the police use rubber bullets and such. Now the police use water cannons to disperse them and its all “boo hoo, poor protesters are getting wet.” Would you rather they shoot them? When protesters become vandals, they have to be removed. Otherwise,

Actually they are protesting on privately owned land....

And remove the 4.5 million voter advantage from New York and California and Trump won the rest of the country overwhelmingly.

Can you guys cool it for a couple days on all of the political articles?

So, the same nation that elected Obama a mere eight years ago is now all of a sudden a bunch of assholes? Nah, your candidate was just shitty enough to lose to a reality TV blowhard (pending a late miracle!). This says much, MUCH more about Clinton than it does about Trump, or this country.

Speak for yourself, man. I’m gonna get in the best shape of my life and goad these assholes into all kinds of silly shit. I’m a white Protestant male, what are they going to to do, arrest me?

They bear some blame, but maybe people should have listened when the polls showed Bernie running better against Trump than Clinton did.

More like shittiest Democratic presidential candidate ever

Insults like this against entire constituencies are why you lose elections. The spite vote is real, and people will just turn off if you say shit like this. It’s like the election taught people nothing. You don’t have to call someone a racist when you think they are a racist. Point out their actions, explain how