yo VIP lets kick it

the propaganda is strong with this one.

no, hollywood is insanely powerful correct, and youre right on the others. Fk these multi millionaire peices of shit

victims are mad when they submit their DNA and find out they are both oppressed, and stupid, and now its confirmed.

sounds pretty racist if you want it to make a lot of money to get up near the racists blockbusters? dude, come on, its a movie that will not change what you want it to.

looks forced and needs more diversity (some medium, medium-hi strong and also eccentric female charachters and needs a better distribution representation of heavy set men)

exactly. Hillary was an awful candidate. Has a lot to do with her, and less to do with her body parts.

the real dem base, all they want is money and to not have to work, and then they will vote.

so funny that almost a year later, people still think Russia is what won the election for the gop. The election was won because it was LOST. If SHE was a better candidate, or if it were bernie, we wouldnt have an obnoxious

SHE LOST BECAUSE SHE! she lost the election after spending 2bil$ and falling down monthly.... Every election forever will be meddled with, but it seems the Dems want to make the rules, the rules about who gets to control the propaganda.

Russia! BOTS! omg North Korea!

you fall for it everytime. You really think potus is more powerful than hollywood?

she looks crazy, not hot.

you may now be realizing how powerful hollywood is? maybe? think a little about who enforces the rules, and who is there to distract you and make you butthurt daily (what a waste of time it is to blame potus for anything)

ignorance is bliss. If we all were to ignore a rally or protest, and take away all public attention of it, it would shelve itself next to all the rest of the stupid shit we have a species have done or invented. But, everyone will go and get loud and butthurt, and nothing will change. Who fucking cares?! ohhh black

this is sad, an entire site devoted to exposing how unfair life is. Poor me.

snowflakes be butthurt!

Equifax is a profitable business because BANKS pay them to make sure that people have lower credit scores. A bank makes more money from someone with a shit score from Equifux, and there you go. This asshole is getting a giant parachute for selling us all out to the religious mafia banksters

the guy is a lying piece of shit, it is outrageous that he is leaving with almost 100mil$ to “retire” with. That shit is not fair, he didnt not “work hard” so that he can jump ship when things went sour. Fuck you dude, and fuck your family who will inherit the spoils and 4 generations NEVER have to work again in their

90mil to retire and hide, must be nice.

no one cares, drop in the bucket SandPeeps.

I have this Anarchists Cookbook if you want to borrow it. Good read.
Also, tonight i plan on committing crimes and i plan to do it lawfully. Must use registered weapons (check!)

kind of not the greatest resume building moment, which is important when needed to compete for work and you have blemishes.