yo VIP lets kick it

That is a list of companies, most of them hemmorage money and are over valued, and have questionable employment ethics... Yay boycott, heres our list. LOL

We need to secure the borders, end of story. This is how it begins, by allowing our agencies time to revamp their process...

I didnt know the land of the free was

Better than being a snowflake loser. Keep on protesting for the perceived rights of ghosts.

i agree. Anytime lefties and dems are insulted or sad or angry, whatever it is, i laugh because its usually laughable.

Driving the Dem party into the ground surely. 2020 will indeed be a republican president, house, senate, judicial and many many local municipalities WIN.

its incredible isnt it? If anyone READ the EO they wouldnt speak like this, but it gets clicks!.

But its trump so it has to be bad...The guy could cure cancer and Gawker would post “Trump steals millions of jobs away from cancer research through cure for cancer”

what? Armed teens? So is that the same as “Youths”? And youths are 16-28yo uhh “underprivileged” humans who could never fathom respect for a stranger or their property, and think protests with masks and fire are functional. Hopefully the punishments are stiff, tired of criminal excuses.

some of these old timers, sure they are old, but sometimes i think they are 30 years younger and just pretend to be an older veteran with better benefits and cant really prove it at times...

i hate you

hahaa youll see 8 years of a solid presidency. So, might as well grab that 2nd job at Starbucks now.

17 Gawker articles a day about how people are RACIST for agreeing with agreeable things.

she is so fucking ugly

Crooked Hillary has seizures 

this is REALLY fucking stupid. “Our company’s statement for this week!” LOL fuckin cake hat to you run tracking narcissist app maker.

they were sold by their own people. you really think a few guys on a ship captured hundreds? please...

you cant not follow orders... sorry.

ha, what? thats all they do, subvert...

shes way classier than angry michael

kill yourself then

#banbullybehavior #rejectthenorm

yeah so everyone pays their dues, move along.

taxis smell like BO from afar.