Obama’s 6 month ban on Iraqis ring a bell?
Fuck terrorist harbors.
Obama’s 6 month ban on Iraqis ring a bell?
Fuck terrorist harbors.
no one cares, wow you learned so well and so much earlier than every other crying liberal gushing 25k a year at some garbage “school”. Applause.
MHP has an irritating lisp. End of story.
go back to the ghetto you sour grape
blah blah blah
most people get zero benefit from MITD, bcause the standard deduction is far greater than the possible itemized route given that most households are under 120k
she has no clue how to drive anyway, also our roads are FUCKED so people will die if they arent in control doing 70mph
Chinese women cannot drive and she likely is a high risk insurance applicant so was denied.
its always sad when someone like yourself makes a well formed and factual comment, because the snowflakes lose their mind at such reason.
russia has done NOTHING to the US. We should be their buddy.
you people are so fucking stupid, dense, short lived, sensitive, and an embarrassment to this generation. Give the president a chance to fuck up, then go for it.
*light goes off in your head (maybe)
no, this past 8 years has been 1500 underhanded lobs from obama admin that the media drooled over, and you loved it. It wasnt good, it happened. Dont credit or discredit administrations until they are done.
its called being a pussy, not gay.
if you got the job, would you step aside? no
keep crying snowflakes! LOL
the fences are fake “white man pushdown” hidden, because non existent, and belongs to all of those who really thought that Obama was going to make america great for them... Embarrassing.
called it, day 1. So fucking obvious, and her insurance fraud will go unchecked...