Herr Garbage

I for one will not be satisfied until my car looks like the cockpit of an SR-71 Blackbird.

Tires Mushy, Pressurize Soon

I didn’t get why blowjobs were supposedly great til I was 30 and finally met someone that was good at it. Don’t give up!

the conspiracy theories that come from this will be delicious

The letters were hand-selected by editors; that makes a big difference. Also, the process of finding an envelope, buying a stamp, and taking a trip to the post office gives you a built-in cooldown period.

Encouraging! A cousin of mine died from ALS one year ago today.

I don’t see what Marlon Brando Look-Alikes have to do with any of this.

It’s fitting that he mentions throttling and chopping up, cause I can’t say I’d object to that happening to him.

Triggered af. (╯ಠ_ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻

I mean, they called it Sesame Street News Flash and he wore a trenchcoat.

I took what he said as more like you don’t really see the split.

Yeabut, any more than three shakes and you’re just playin’ with it.