Herr Garbage

My English teacher is probably rolling over in her grave at all the writing errors in this post.

Less posting while high, please.

Saw this post. Got my tix. Opening day! Cannai wait. :D

I’m just glad that these games still have console accessibility. I enjoyed New Order more because I could turn on god-mode and unlimited ammo and basically walk through the fights to experience the story seamlessly.

So is coddling the willfully stupid/lazy!

or something stupid simple like 12345 as her password on the camera

The magnified pixel thing is what turned me off to Rift when I demo’d it at a local electronics store. The experience was like sitting down in front of a color TV in the early 80s. I agree, though, that it’ll be hot once we get into 8k+ res per eye with no redraw or movement lag. Pricewise, hopefully these HMDs will

How is this company still in business? Does everyone there work for free or something? I can’t imagine that huge media outlets are paying premium prices to be in the Discovery section.

Doesn’t matter if they had. The EC is where the real voting power for POTUS is and they cast their lot with the Orange Retard over the popular vote. Now, we see where the true voting power is federally, and if that is going to be handed over the general population, the electoral colleges are going to have to be

I’d watch it. Airplane stewardess pr0n is hot.

The show’s writing is like anything else in the arts; when the artist is first starting out, his stuff is a little rough, somewhat green, but as he find his groove, things start to get better. If the show makes it past season 1, I think we’ll see better things from it in the future.

What needs to happen now is actually having a nice aircraft carrier or two, decked out with cargo transport helicopters, and the fuel to keep them going, show up to the island and letting those choppers start pulling supplies from the port and drop shipping them.

Yeah well the EU can just keep that IngSoc MiniLove/MiniTruth bullshit right over there on their side of the pond.

Ha ha; paying to watch TV shows. How 2000's. ADORABLE.

I think AI is just trolling humans at this point.

WWE is grasping for any straws they can use to capture that luscious middle class+ Indian spending market.

The Rusev vs. Cena flag match felt embarrassingly 80's-american-exceptionalism oriented. I half expected them to play Hogan’s theme at the end.

It’s the little dagger flip to Arya’s other hand at the end that I find consistently thrilling about this scene.

Shut up and take muh money! I must see this new film yesterday! Save us from ourselves, Sarah.

Thank you, ASU!

If I could afford hookers and prostitution was legal everywhere, I’d rather have sex than masturbate, because they GO AWAY when you’re done.