Herr Garbage

Agreed, but I think that’s the goal with consciousness transfer anyway; to remove the need to sustain it biologically.

AI and robot automation! Build em now, teach them to maintain each other and how to keep the power going. Voila!

Facts do not care about someone’s feelings, and where it ultimately matters, a court of law for example, facts are what matter, so it’s important in protecting the rights of the general populace, for those who can think critically, and who are in charge of creating and interpreting laws, and for those who vote for

Meh, I suspect that, statistically, humans as we stand now pose the greatest risk to other life forms on this earth. I think the world might be OK if we weren’t physically around.

so maybe this kind of instability and chaos is what she wants and feels comfortable with?

Great heel gimmick. He’ll excel in indie promotions whose customer base is predominantly located in red/southern states. I’m not sure how well this would translate into product sales in larger promotions though.

Some evidence, if anecdotal, of how showbiz sucks people in.  Overall, acting, as a career seems like a cocktail of rat-race and chaos.

But still factual, and at the end of the day, that’s what matters.

You know, I wish scientists would get this uploading our consciousness onto the Internet thing done already. I’m really sick of having to repeatedly eat, sleep, poop, shower, and engage in RL social behavior to comfortably maintain my conscious state.

My favourite is the black nazi coat with the star of david on the red band.

How is LaFluer still alive? Why aren’t these murderers meeting the same end as those they are murdering?

Gee, I wish I had his money-making “problems”.

Nikki Bella has turned out to be a pleasant surprise for me. In the beginning, I spent a lot of times eye-rolling, but she has evolved into a very credible wrestler with an awesome vicious streak.

I know that a lot of these conversations about men pulling shit like this end up with calls for other men, men that want to be better to talk to other men about these things, but damn, this is just fucking insane.

Everyone in America should also read Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”.

What?? They’re helping to FREE THE NIPPLE! Helping the cause of liberating Western womens’ sexuality from oppression! Yay!

If gangs and other violent criminal elements that hide within this victimized demographic’s ranks are so “bad-ass”, I don’t understand how the particular cops that do this are still alive. Clearly, the state funded gang members need cleansing within their ranks and these groups have the numbers, the weapons, and the

Avery Brooks’ Sisko and Katherine Mulgrew’s Janeway were outstanding Captains. Incredible talents, those two actors. I will give the casting director(s) many props for their flawless choices in picking quality talent for the leads throughout the years. I have faith that they will have done the same for Discovery.

I’m pretty stoked about this new ST show. Can’t wait for it!

Maybe I’m just cynical, but I would never put myself on a career path where strangers’ charity is my main source of income.