...and the majority has agreed on black lives not mattering. for a while now. you were saying?
...and the majority has agreed on black lives not mattering. for a while now. you were saying?
This country elected an overt bigot. That any individual cares for others is by no means a safe bet
...it’s fair to not agree with the idea that “Black Lives Matter” ?
very lonely after getting cancelled huh.
It’s ironic someone is complaining about “having to bend a knee” to BLM when all this explosion could have been avoided if certain people didn’t bitch so insistently about someone else bending a knee to express a position in the first place.
Also, not making a statement IS making a statement
Is Your Son or Daughter Becoming a Sad Internet Edgelord?
So does that mean he’s we site is now a fringe blog devoted to board games and sideline politics?
That is some racist shit if I’ve ever heard it. POC not being killed in the streets and having equal opportunities is fucking terrifying. BLM might as well be Nazis. Give me a break. This is about a 400+ year history of slavery, Jim Crow laws, and systematic economic oppression. I don’t think they are asking for too…
Fuck off incel.
You’re not “bending the knee” to BLM by saying that you’re for inclusiveness and against racism. This guy couldn’t even muster that.
I am fully convinced that anybody who uses the term “virtue signaling” has a long history of getting fired for not getting along with people and then claiming it was a toxic work environment.
This is why we have chosen not to make an official political statement.
Leafty is now listed as the sole contributor to the site.
You calling Robot Chicken “hilarious” and “wonderful mashups” really says a lot. And that’s before that weird millennial spiel.
No i genuinely don’t remember The AV Club not infusing their news articles with editorial opinions and jokes. I’ve been reading it for a decade or more by this point. Are you new here?
Remember when a black man’s neck was kneeled on for 9 minutes in a country where their lives aren’t valued?
Remember how any rational human would be humble, somber, and willing to listen on issues affecting people who don’t look like them or have the same life experience, rather than complaining about being confronted…
“aNyOnE cAn bE a slAvE”
I’m not saying this in support or opposition to any specific terms here, but I’m always confused by the guys who try to use etymology as a reason to keep using a word. Language changes, always and forever. Terms can develop new meanings, lose old ones, or change in a million other ways. Just that fact that you have to…
Well, you know slavery didn’t exist until the early US colonies, and doesn’t exist today. So it’s obvious that people should draw this conclusion.