
The US military, from what I understand, encourages *more* autonomy within the confines of mission parameters than other military doctrines. For instance, the US was loathe to adopt assault rifle equivalent to the AK-47 (intermediate power/high rate of fire) until well into the Vietnam War, choosing the M-14 instead,

Those advertisements are so bad... even if they were advertising something awesome, I would deny that the awesome thing is awesome and hate it with all of my being instead.

You’re getting a star for “radiator enthusiasts”. I’m picturing that dude with the alternator tattoo...

Go back to Germany and eat your frankfurters. I’ll be damned if America ever lets logic dictate design.

Worse, Ram just straight up stole the Rebel’s grille from Jake the Adventuretime dog’s face.

He was just trying to deprive the baby of oxygen so it might grow up to become a Steelers fan.

I certainly don’t think there’s any excuse for choking a pregnant woman. But someone had to step in and stop Mrs. Rivers already.

Maybe they need to draft Mookie. (Even her casual looks look like the makeup took 4 hrs. Perhaps she’ll bring some much needed professionalism.)

horrible, awful, terrifying.

So I could... enlist in the army, put myself at risk of getting killed, injured or suffer from PTSD, willingly sign up to potentially commit the worst actions possible against another human (murder, torture, etc) at the command of some old guys in Washington, and occasionally play games in a desert?

My question is this, since Jones changed the conversation from propaganda to “Americans misunderstand who’s in the Army” and the colonel earlier becoming glossy eyed when seeing his kids arguing over leaving the store:

No utensils, or dishes... I’m picturing millenials all pawing at gruel with their sullied hands, grunting gibberish about the Twitters at each other like an isolated undocumented language.

As a fake old millennial (Gen X) I do own a can opener which I use for Black Beans.

Even if this did work, I still wouldn’t use it. My thighs are much slimmer when I’m standing vs. sitting, and the difference is enough that it makes shopping for pants difficult. If I used this Zozo suit thing, I’d end up with pants that only fit well when I’m standing, and then turn my thighs into tight sausages when

it’d be interesting to have some sort of retrospective on how the kids who enlisted because of videogames felt about the army experience after the fact.


Look, much as I appreciate how earnestess of this, I cannot trust any army.

Fair, but for those of us who work in fields with skills that are a bit more nebulous (non-profits dealing with human beings) it isn’t always clear from a resume who is going to do well. It’s much more about “fit” and whether you have the kind of personality that can stand direct human contact for an entire day. When

Yeah, but his wife, Virginia Tech, makes a mean shepherd’s pie so there’s that...