
Could not be more perfectly timed. They just strongarmed the King County Council into giving them 135 mil for stadium renovations. Mariner’s baseball... come check out our new lights and toilets!

You will have to go through the Mayor of Covington Pike first, before finally going up against Prince Mongo.

Fractal tits?

probably so Drew can prove that he is meant to be there and not be thrown out

The self-serious posturing that accompanies these hot takes is the best part.  Dude, you eat at a barbecue restaurant you like from time to time, you aren’t required to put down a bunch of food you’ve never even had to make yourself feel better.  

It’s like the CRX if it really lets itself go...

RE: Poor Pay

Ahh yes Halsey. The woman who was on my flight to Cancun in a long ass wig to disguise herself from us commoners, while still wearing a giant HALSEY nameplate necklace.

Yahoo manages to be the damp rag on every successful sex/interpersonal relationship feature they touch. In the 2000s, they had the best nichey discussion groups, where you could either chat or actually meet someone with very specifically shared interests and/or kinks. Naturally, several years ago they closed the

More like she fears the hammer of judgement that would come down on her (from family, peers, etc) if she didn’t, rather than wanting approval. Loss aversion is the much stronger motivator.

I’m on my way.

Hahaha right!

I remember having dinner with a friend who was like “me too has gone too far, I mean, what if two people at work like each other? How are they supposed to be interact?? Is it even possible!!!?!?!” and I was like “well, you can ask them to hang out casually outside of work, maybe in a group. You can ask them out once

My only knowledge of Hasley other than what I just read is the ads she stared in last year. They were advertisements for Jeep vehicles that mentioned Hasley’s premier album and also starred her. She talks about how she has to do everything her way and never give in to selling out or compromising for anybody all while

Cubed brisket. (shudder) (memories)

The worst is when you finally find a place outside of KC that has burnt ends and when you get your order it’s just brisket that’s been cubed and there’s no char to be found.

Ha! I feel your pain dude. Though the issue with me is that my wife also enjoys it, but if I get her in the wrong part of her sleep cycle she sits up and shouts like I jumped out of the closet with a knife.  

I don’t know if I should shame you for riffing on a quote from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera or shame myself for still having that libretto lodged in the back 40 of my brain.

That fool wouldn’t know Thomas Paine from Max Payne. I can see him genuinely saying all the rest with a fawning audience telling him how brilliant he is.