No Bueno

It’s extremely on-brand for billy to show up with 45,000 words trying to convince us that there’s something unique or special about a club with a bottomless bank account.

My son’s 12-year-old team came up with that play before their summer travel season. They were in love with the whole notion of the play since 12 year olds are fascinated anything that seems to be sneaky and kinda wrong (but not too wrong; these were straight-laced suburban kids, after all).

You have no idea what you’re talking about, Barry!

Can they though? A loan will still require a player registration, which is what the “transfer” ban actually prevents.

Yeah, kind of surprising for a ultra-traumatized killing machine abused from early childhood to go ballistic after losing the one source of kindness he has had his whole life. What an a-hole.

No. No guy named Len Bias has ever played in the NBA.

Because by their nature PEDs directly threaten the integrity of the sport itself. Getting high on an off-day doesn’t.

You’re talking about the same Ajax that just knocked Real Madrid out of the Champions’ League (in a not-particularly-close fashion) and is going to make upwards of $200M this offseason just from selling a few of the players who were worth nothing last year? Seems like they’ve figured out how to make a pretty

So the rules are unfair, Man City still broke them by lying, forging documents and acting above the rules. I have no sympathy for them.

Tough break for the Man Boys.

I generally have pretty good reading comprehension, but I cannot figure out why this post, no matter how much it equivocates, seems to be defending Manchester City.

Danny and Jon both run to the Throne and try to sit on it at the same time.  The both fall off and end up sitting the floor.  Danny smiles, says “Oh, you...”, Jon shrugs and smiles, then the theme from Growing Pains plays.  Fin.

List of players who are impossible not to love (EPL edition):

The scorpions were only as accurate and powerful as the plot needed them to be.

Well actually, you are trying to use logic on a Billy Haisley “article”. That is where you have erred. 

Glad to see their game against Brighton and Hove Albion went according to plan but really it’s was just what they’ve been able to do all year. They were deadly against Frimsby FC, solid against Quival Town, had that stellar comeback against Vinswich Passage, blanked Buscestershire (both at home and at Wriggleby Road)

Now Klopp will fully fulfill his destiny and lose the CL to...Tottenham for christ sake.

As a neutral my demands are for drama and total chaos, therefore all I want is for Olivier Giroud to score a banger for the winner and celebrating both Chelsea’s victory and Arsenal’s relegation to the Europa League while kissing the badge.

Seeing your name on a post about what should be an interesting topic is like getting a free steak dinner that’s been sautéed in piss.

If you’re a sports fan and watched Liverpool/Barca yesterday and this game today and still think soccer/football is a shitty game then you might just be an asshole.