
I just love Kristen Stewart <3

Dear god, if fashion week doesn’t end soon, there’s going to be a rash of murders in Chelsea that I have no knowledge of and definitely didn’t commit.

As I understand it (which is not well, because all I have to go on is like one article and maybe a brief podcast) there are multiple hypotheses and perhaps multiple explanations. I could see both explanations being the result of how women are treated and dismissed in conversation, particularly in the workplace.

They are, however, very light skinned. Which is again an interesting and relevant fact.

It makes me wish I had seen Mindy Kaling’s play, Matt and Ben, where she and her old roommate played Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. That I could handle.

The high contrast/bright lights/whatever is the aesthetic of this photo makes it basically impossible to tell that Trevor Noah and Larry Wilmore are not white dudes.

It just felt like the only reason they invited Effie to the panel was to check off the diversity boxes. Why have her there as the minority voice of you're not even going to listen to what she has to say?

I want to know the rate of white men interrupting men of color. I’m sure it’s a problem, but I haven’t seen it discussed.

When the stupid hurts so bad.

I can’t even handle Affleck when he's acting.

I tried to watch this, couldn’t make it more than 5 minutes before I realized that I can only handle Affleck and Damon when they’re acting.

Also, female police officer is a pre-Shonda Rhimes Dr. Bailey.

Wait. Is this from the episode where Samantha catches Richard cheating on her? Because the episode after that is my favorite one. Specifically because of this scene:

I get so confused when doctors ask me about this. Like really, you expect me to keep exact track of my period? Even when I’m on birth control, fuck, I don’t remember. Either it’s happening now or it’s not, that’s the best you’re getting.

It amazes me how bad professionals in reproductive health can be at their jobs and specifically bedside manner.

On my first gyno visit I got shamed by the nurse that I wasn’t 100% sure exactly how many days had passed since my period. She made me feel like an irresponsible idiot. Luckily I didn’t take it too personally and just decided this nurse was super bad at her job, but seriously, stop scaring the teenagers out of going

Go see Mad Max: Fury Road!! It’s awesome.

She’s mixed. The pic with her siblings make that pretty obvious. I think her mom probably had a secret.