
misleading title, no trackpad gestures :(

This has potential but after 5 minutes use I'm tempted to remove. Not much use atm.

How I feel about this article.

People still watch TV? I don't mean clips on youtube the day after.

yeh, that was the tricky part lol. maybe wrap it a few times then cut rings a bit lower into the curtain... which goes againts your whole thing of not wanting to cut the curtain. bleh, get the stapler out!


some kind of roll it round the bar trick? toilet paper style lol. work with me here.

Not much greenery in that first photo lol. Besides, this is a speck relative to the whole of China. Better we build up than left and right, you dig?

Am I the only one thinking, 'meh, i've taken better'? Any way to access your photos in the cloud? I could google but I will ask and google... YEAH!

china stopping fireworks is like england stopping football. it'll never happen :P

bf4? some maps (at least 1 online map)

meh, you've written about 6 positive articles in the last 3 months. i won't get the negative ones out :P but I'm glad the other positive ones are passing through you. :)

I asked a simple question, you failed to provide an answer. Just because the regular folks are mocking it as well doesn't mean your news is positive. Just searching "China" on Kotaku doesn't make China look good. I thought this was a site showing cool stuff from the East yet it doesn't look too favorably on the

When was the last time you said something positive about China Brian? You're the new Eric Jou!

Don't tarnish this beautiful website with such trash. Get some mac and mesh in here :)


I'd take practicing moves in the snowy park of Dobuita over smashing the faces of gangsters any day.

I think Franklin is more likeable than Michael tbh

Uncanny valley for robots