
this is disgusting, there are millions of bees starving out there

two speakers are NOT on the front, you generally sound like you don't know what you're talking about in this video

must have been intentional, just not intentional enough

source 2?? well clearly they are waiting until that engine is polished before releasing half life 3. not sure if l4d3 will be the debut game to test it out

Of course we're supposed to think they are 'morally wrong' when we invade them and bomb the crap out of them. Plus, I'd rather be fighting soldiers than killing civilian 'militias'/'guerillas' that we do so regularly in video games. I think any violent game based on current events has a 'too soon' overtone for me.

Now playing

That persona one sounds horrific. This is my choice.

tl;dr. I pressed play and skipped to the end.

Could definitely pass off as 25. Look at his little face, packing my bags at the checkout.

First rule of Orwell. You can't turn off Telescreens.

I remember when kids used to play video games. Good times.

Maybe Eric being sensationalist about China again.

"this is very much like human trafficking" - uh, how is this much more different than the selection process that model agencies do in the rest of the world?

This game looks amazing. Had to stop watching half way because I was sold.

Steam Shift-Tab. Teh Future of da multiplayerz!

Looks more like a water concert rather than a public swimming pool. Don't mislead us man :(

Jeremy / TerminalMontage is getting pretty awesome these days

surprisingly well made

That was pretty awesome. It may not be the best way to education these misguided people but I'd love it if this became an internet sensation!

the combat mechanics put me off this adorable game

It might mean that you aren't bothered about the small things like anniversaries etc but focus on being loving every day. I'm like that a bit as well, I don't look at my bank account, I just spend as little as possible, not much else I can do.