
Manipulative advertising. The PS3 version has a direct line into the video's sound, but the PSP isn't given this advantage. Although the PS3 upscales, it would be more fair to have both versions played at full screen, like at 0:51. Finally, the PS3 comparison seems to start just as a climactic part of the game/music

Well, aren't you the brightest bulb in the box! Coming out with lightning responses like that. You even sparked my idea to write this reply!

OMG I completely forgot! That would be excellent. Just to get that game some more spotlight, particularly to the sony crowd. (any chance of a Powerstone 3 has me shivering with delight - I say CyberConnect2 should team up with capcom and make it though)

another one of those technologies which is amazing, easy to make, excellent to utilise but for some random reason, is never made. (i'm also looking at you, Mr. Johnny Chung Lee! []

worst. teaser. ever.

you wot?

Same here, I think I saw it on Kotaku too lol. Get the link and hopefully Kotaku can remove this. I <3 u Kotaku!!!

What's all this about natural defense system? I wear earbuds and would like a source on that statement, thank you.

lol, I guess it's a good reward for those whose drives have broken lol.

Could I have a show of hands of anyone who actually wanted 2 of those PS3 games?

Better be true.

Not sure dude, I walked in late and all I heard was "Now, Gentlemen, start your 'shopping!"

I think this version one makes it complete!

recolour the red on his nose to purple


America can't even sort out central america, on their doorstep! The day America try to reduce drug production, the day I will eat my own arm.

Sounded more like an advert to me, he shoulda had a can of Playstation Coke® on his table.

I need a zoomed in pic. He could be begging for forgiveness for all we know. Cynicism rules!!