
They got together when he was in his early/mid twenties. When they met it was more like 25 and 75. I think that’s selfish and yes predatory on the part of the older person. Some commenters have taken the fact that they stayed together these past 15 year as a sign of how strong their love is. I'm not doubting that the

I don't but I understand why you would disagree. I think it's selfish on the part of the older person.

Nothing wrong with getting old. Everyone should have that privilege. It's the age difference that is my issue, not his age itself.

Yeah I can see that. I still see it that way though. If a 75 year old man started dating my 25 year old sister I would see it as predatory. I see no reason to view this differently because it's a young man instead of a woman.

Thinking a 50 year age gap is creepy isn't a prejudice. That's an opinion. I'm not stopping anyone from doing anything, I'm not saying we should have laws against it. I'm not saying these two shouldn't get married. I'm saying an age gap that huge is rare for a reason: because it usually indicated an unhealthy

Oh I don't think he's a gold digger. I was pointing out how differently young women vs young men are treated even on a feminist blog.

I can tell how much you do not care by the fact that you took the time to comment. You really showed me.

Thanks! I don’t think I’ve ever won asshole comment of all time before! I'm so lucky you were here to bestow it upon me!

But what evidence do you have of anything? I think a 50 year age gap is creepy. You don’t. This isn’t a debate about climate change or vaccinations. There’s no scientific consensus on which position is correct.

I’m saying everyone on here has a big problem when it’s a younger woman/older man. The woman is a gold digger and the man is taking advatage of her. That’s what happened on this site with the Kristin Stewart affair and that age difference was far less. It’s gross and weird that because it’s two men everyone is like

Anyone can die...but to act like a 90 year old isn’t at a greater risk of that is just absurd.

What? All sorts of unhealthy things are not illegal. Seriously if your moral compass depends on legality that's really sad.