Initial reviews and reactions to TPM were strongly positive, similar to what they have been for TFA. Over time, people realized it wasn’t that good of a movie.
Initial reviews and reactions to TPM were strongly positive, similar to what they have been for TFA. Over time, people realized it wasn’t that good of a movie.
Well, if your opinion is the first ones weren’t that great, then it would make sense that you think TFA is on par with them. Because it wasn’t that great.
To not be the same movie from the same series?
Except...its not. Its fine. None of the new characters are very interesting (I’m a gigantic Oscar Isaac fan and I thought this was easily his worst movie) outside of Kylo Ren, the plot is pedestrian (because we’ve already seen it) and it has probably the worst climax of any of the Star Wars movies yet (seriously, that…
On top of that, if you showed me Jurassic World after I hadn’t seen the original and it had all these references to the original in it...I would probably be curious about the original.
Sure, but because in their case they haven’t seen anything else. Once she watches A New Hope, it’ll be interesting to see what her thoughts are considering she’ll now know she just watched a copy of the original.
Right, but you can enjoy something without it being very good. People enjoy both fast food and 5-star meals.
What was actually good about the new movie?
I think in reality, people will turn on this movie (and perhaps this trilogy) in the years to come.