
I like to think of the Skyline as a Japanese Mustang, albeit with more variants, with the GT-R being like a Cobra R/Shelby and the turbo variants being like the GT, and so forth. Not meant to be an insult, just how they would be perceived by a Japanese person. The average person isn’t an enthusiast, so they see a

Dats a sick ride yo but it ain’t got nuttin on my whip!

Absolutely. notanother, you couldn’t have hit the nail on the head better, and the protection-ism being practiced by the commenters, above, is shameful and harming.

Agreed. The dad wasnt being sexist, he was having a light hearted joke with his daughters. Nothing more, nothing less.


Your putting WAY to much emphasis on the gender. Every shop does something like this to the new guy.


Seriously, Raphael, get a real camera and/or stop using filters, your pictures are awful.

whats with the awful instagram-like photos? did nobody bring a real camera?

Raphael, I fully understand (and support) your recent fascination with film photography, but it’s gotta be said: these photos look like shit.

Rafi, this post is unmitigated horseshit. The newspaper story has four paragraphs that report Dao’s past in a completely straightforward manner and the rest of the very long story is sympathetic. YOU are the person painting Dao as a shady foreigner and all of sheeple commenters here just take your word for it.

Kids, take a good look at this.

Gawker sites have never done such a thing...


He was screaming like an idiot and fell to the ground like a toddler, causing his own injuries. Afterwards he comes back on the airplane babbling like an he’s been through real trauma.

You have no rights on an airplane, do as the flight crew says or bad shit will happen.

They’d offered everyone the option of $400, later increased to $800, a new ticket, and a hotel room for the night. That nobody thought this was enough should have been taken as a hint, rather than as some sort of act of war.

The Windows what now?

Wow....the ol’ gender wage gap argument again. Remind me again why I am not strictly hiring women and saving myself over 20% on my single biggest line item expense?