
In 30 years: “16 GB of memory, bwahahahaha!”

I had this game when I was a JAPANESE! Only could ever get so far.

#proteinfad please die already. Even my grandma is giving me tips on Facebook on how to eat enough protein.

Per the video, Michelin did a study where they reduced standard tire pressure by 14.5 psi. This increased fuel consumption by 3-5%.

“So what Mercedes-Benz did was, they moved the shift lever to the column. It was a great idea, and it was smart, and it was practical. And do you know what happened? People laughed at it!”

As someone who has only ever played Gran Turismo games, I’m loving the free Forza PC demo that just came out. Been playing it for the past two weeks and it’s filling the itch for simulated-style racing. Can’t wait for a full release.

French Press method is objectively quicker than “The Clever Coffee Maker” method that you posted. Grind beans, pour almost-boiling water into press, stir, wait 4 minutes and drink. It would appeal more to “lazy” people and be better to present in the post than what you have now, not to mention, no need to buy coffee

“There is absolutely a need to get a warranty on a Land Rover, a BMW, or a Mercedes.”

You get paid for this?

I’ve committed sodoku over the title length. I am now commenting from the dead.

Dear Toyota/Subaru, make the 86/BRZ a hybrid, charge $30,000 and market it as an affordable everyday 918/NSX/McLaren P1. It will fix the low torque that everyone whines about and double or triple the MPG. Everybody wins.

I do the same, but there’s a Wholefoods a block away from where I live and a Safeway two blocks away. Difference is, I don’t need to drive 20 minutes to go to the grocery store, which would cut into the saving at by means of paying for gas and car maintenance in the long run.

Mountain Dew, Cheetos dust and LAN parties—my childhood.

Gran Turismo. I was seven when the first one came out and I played it religiously.

Sounds like you’ll be paying the money saved from the grocery store on gas and car maintenance.

I admire the creativity but this is horrible. First, I highly doubt that it’s stable enough for playing with an arcade stick. I remember a couple years ago a family member had the longer version of the MICKE desk and it felt flimsy. It’s going to be super wobbly when things get heated. Second, the screen size is too

They’re either from the UAE or Saudi Arabia, neither of which have had anything related to being“war torn” in at least 100 years. Good job stereotyping. 42 recommends too... jesus christ.

The Japanese two-door sports car renaissance is happening as we speak friend. The Japanese have blessed us with the Toyota 86/Subaru BRZ, a new Miata, Lexus RC and Infiniti Q60 Coupe. Also, Mazda is teasing a new RX-7/8 successor and Lexus has an ultra-premium two door — the LC. And Nissan still has the Z and GTR!

I was born and raised in Kuwait and grew up on Almarai milk. It’s good stuff.
That is all I have to contribute to this discussion.

What’s the best car you have ever driven?