
#17 maybe offensive to some people.... also it has nothing to do with politics so I'm wondering why it was even entered and even more so how it was chosen as one of the winners. It was the murdering of a person... can someone tell me what that has to do with politics?

I think some of the head guys at the army/air force need to watch some Gundam Wing, especially Treize Khushrenada's long winded speeches about having only robots on the battlefield defeats the purpose and honor of battle altogether.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyy goshhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Do you mean to tell me that that one documentary "super size me" basically lied to me and made me think that only mcdonalds burgers don't rot and not all burgers?!! But what the! I thought all documentaries were 100% scientifically tested and right and I should blindly

Except there won't be a 4g in years to come. In about 2-5 years they will be calling it 5g, then 6g, then call it something completely different but it's going to be faster than 6g. It's all marketing, like "HDTV." I love it when people are all like, I just got an HDTV, now I should get an HD screen for my


Science is never definitive and is always constantly challenged and changing, but somehow, for some strange reason, climate change is 100% solidified and unjustifiably true based on one dumbass's half baked, full of lies documentary, in which he has helped form cap and trade companies and had set them up and were all