
Been playing the multiplayer aspect of this game for 2 days now and I can easily sum it up in a single phrase.

1. First mic: Shure SM57. Records everything include vocals, electric guitar cabs, acoustic guitars, bass cabs, and drum snares! Great first mic. $100

I know this is going to sound crazy but based on Samsung's track record, which has been in the last 5 years going into almost every electronics category and making great devices, I think Samsung will try for a gaming console. That's my wild guess.

Please for the love of my ears implement a audio levels regulatory laws system. I am SICK of having to lower/raise the volume on my TV every couple of minutes because commercials vary so drastically in volume compared to TV shows. Get common, equal, and smart volume and make everyone use that volume!!!

You can easily save a jpeg in most photo browsing/viewing software and put the quality down a bit to cut down on loads of kbs. I take 2500 px wide pictures that are 2mb, make them 800 px wide and put the percentage of quality down to 75% and I get the picture size usually from 125-170kb and there's no discernible

Taking a que from free Korean MMOs I see!

It's an interesting argument.

I'm putting my prediction out NOW that Facebook is going to very soon start charging for a lot of it's services including this one and many others.

"I'm definitely going to feel a bit awkward the next time I step through a body scanner."

So I'm guessing cause of legal reasons and what not the person who applies has to be in America right?

My brains has been forever tainted on old Mercedes cars. Every single Egyptian (yes every single one) here in Kuwait owns an 80s Mercedes. I'm talking about 300,000km+ beat up to hell barely working 80s Mercedes!!! They buy them cheap here then take them back with them to Egypt and sell them for a profit!

I tried getting my Mom to switch from MO to OO. She's an upper 40s novice computer user who clings onto IE because that's the first browser she used back in 98. I taught her how to do all the things she can do in MO on OO, which is about 5% of what the program can do, and within 2 days she switched right back to MO.

Hm IDK if this is new. The ignore button never really was an ignore anyways. I've added some people on facbeook who didn't accept from friend request and yet I could always see their "new profile pic" or "x person added y." Always thought that was weird.