I gave it shot.
I gave it shot.
Obama could put a stop to this right now, but hasn’t.
Scary thing is that this put some kids in a genuinly dangerous situation since there are parents out there who, if they find out their kids ae not hetero, will have their kid sent to one of those abusive “camps” where they are forced to “pray the gay away”. Or they will just throw their kid out onto the street.
Republicans, the party of smaller government...
The alt-right are triggered young white males. They need a safe space to sort through their feelings. Also the alt-right are neo-nazis.
“There’s been an awakening,” he said to the predominately white male crowd. It appeared that roughly half of the attendees were under 40 years of age.
Alt-Right = Neo-Nazis
Right wing women? Why?
By definition, bankrupsy is a failure. As a businessman who ran for president on a platform of how successful he is, it’s a pathetic failure. Sorry, buddy! Trump is a fraud.
How alt-right of him.
Thats the problem. We blame ourselves for their greed. It’s not our fault that there are evil, powerful people in the world. Not even in a “democracy”.
Burn it down and then sell it cheap.
We already new they were there. “Next level”. Do you hear yourself?
“Chill”: No opinions, no thoughts, no feelings.
I called him dumb because he is dumb. The trouble with dumb people is that they dont know theyre dumb. People need to know when they are dumb. Knowing you have a problem is the only way to change.
This is going to be like the keystone cops crossed with stalin.
I’m starting to feel like Trump is about to hold a fire sale on america.
You are seriously dumb. Now I know how dumb trump supporters really are.