
I’d just like to point out that this guy is more than likely a troll. It’s an account made today with one comment, the very one everyone is replying to. And he’s got 12 damned stars on this comment and it’s the one that appears before clicking “see all replies”.

Dude, being an ally shouldn’t mean that someone has to reach out to specifically invite you to show up. It means, if you truly care about something, taking at least 30 seconds (that’s all it took for me to find on the FAQ that of course men are invited) to investigate whether your presence might be welcomed. If

Sorry buddy, but hating leaks is far from just not answering a few simple questions in person. What Trump is doing is far worse. I never recall Obama, at a press conference, shouting “YOU are FAKE NEWS” at a reporter, then side stepping two part questions completely. Obama wasn’t perfect, but he’s going to look

Lol where did I claim he never avoided questions? Or that Obama was faultless?

It’s true, I didn’t like his answers. But I really didn’t like that he avoided the question entirely.

Reporters really need to stick to small words, no more than five at a time. Total of fourteen syllables or less

Because Obama can actually listen, think, and answer back rationally. Trump can’t go more than 15 seconds without apparently forgetting what he was asked.

I’m talking explicitly about answering questions in press conferences.

Obama answered multipart questions.

Idk- at least it reveals his inability to handle complex issues. He simply grandstands with anything less.

It was a campaign promise and the lapdog media never questioned him about it:

Nope Buzzfeed was there...he wouldn’t take their question either

Reporters cannot ask him multipart questions, it makes it WAY too easy to dodge. I can’t imagine how tempting it is to ask a whole litany of questions in your one turn but the fact that he could sidestep the question about whether his staff had contact with Russia is unacceptable.

Well, a CNN reporter tried and got shouted down. I am doubtful Buzzfeed gets Press Room credentials.

And he called BuzzFeed, who released the dossier in full, “a failing pile of garbage” who would “suffer the consequences.”

Their website straight up says that all are welcome, including men who support women’s rights.

Yep. Even though it was the candidate with “balls” who talked to coal miners about hair spray.

So it should be called “The Women’s March (but guys you can come just don’t try to make yourselves the center of attention, and wear a damn shirt)“. Shouldn’t that be obvious?

fragile masculinity gonna fragile