
1. YouTube is a private company with their own private servers. They are able to host or not host whatever comment they like.

“Houseless”? Is that the new PC term for homeless? Lol

Oh these consumers already use their EBT on “crap that might force them to eventually spend the rest of their lives using extremely expensive medications.”

Uh, you’re welcome for the bread I bought you. Sorry to hear it wasn’t the brand you would’ve bought had it been with your money. I guess you know what they say about beggars being choosers.

You’re right. Ideally there would be no SNAP at all.

Maybe that 20% should learn English.

Chase her down and make her pay back “the hard way”.

Is this true? If so, good point!

Yeah, filed taxes every year to get that refund!

Oh my god. What an embarrassingly stereotypical statement to make! It’s like the classic caricature of a liberal. Like George Carlin after he stopped being good. Or :shudders: Jesse Ventura on Opie & Anthony.

Cheers to everything you have said, but...

I wonder how little English this guy learned after two decades here.

I never thought in a hundred years that I would find myself posting something to Jezebel, as I consider myself a more-or-less conservative male, but I found some real encouraging viewpoints expressed here (more on that later).