
Just staying at a company for a year shouldn’t be a reason for a title bump and raise.  It breeds lazy workers - why work hard or do well when you get the raise and title regardless?  It also doesn’t benefit those with lots of experience coming into the field.  

All good people are....

Hot take: This is good because all cats are bad.  Dogs for life!  

Look at what she chose for the screencap pic and you’ll see the point - click bait to get viewers.

Not sure how you can compare the two.  For me personally one isn’t a replacement for the other.  

AND you can lick your fingers when you’re done!  

AND you can lick your fingers when you’re done!  

Yes, I’ve had gastric surgery and have to focus on protein packed sources so I can’t eat 4 or more cups of legumes to get my 90 grams of protein needed. I literally couldn’t fit that in myself in a day. I also can’t eat rice or high carb veggies.

I meant Elon was still alive...

Doesn’t cost anything extra?  Really?  Guarantee moving my diet to plant based would cost me more.  

Over 90% of the US is where.  Even in my city of a million plus I couldn’t take public transit from my work to my house.  

As are kids.  

Suck it Elon?  Which one is still around!  Checkmate....

Wow - you mean germans don’t talk about a dark time in their history when they had to pull out of something rather than be defeated?  (WWII if I wasn’t clear enough here)

UnIoNs ArE gOoD!!  Idiots....

Who gives a shit unless you live in the UK and even then....

Still nothing on the Apple TV 4K from what I can find.  

Learn to stack elements. Hit em with radiation or cold and then swap to corrosive or fire. It works wonders and lots of hyperion weapons have 2 types you can swap between.

Cool.  Your mom gives you a birth defect and then berates you for it.  Aren’t parents great?

and butter and cheese and bacon lol

That’s a little short sighted. It’s for my benefit and the cost is my data. And some people are willing to give that up for the perceived benefits of whatever system.