
Elective? Generally not - unless you can convince a doctor to give them a solid medical reason to get it. For example my upcoming gastric sleeve surgery is elective but because my doctor has told them it’s necessary due to my BMI and diabetes they are on board.

I wonder if the hiring practices have anything to do with trying to hire people with experience in the job?  

Does any of this surprise you?  

The jews didn’t get to choose their fate.  

Lemme get this straight - y’all get mad when faceID and the like don’t work on non-white people.  Someone steps up, offers money to do scans to help fix this and y’all still get mad?  There’s no pleasing you!  

have you never heard of an ad blocker?  

As a white person can I say the same about the N word?  

Gru isn’t doing this symbol because it’s a kid - he’s doing it because it’s a BLACK kid.  Guarantee you won’t find anything on any of their devices.  

No, the part they forgot is that blacks are inherently violent. Watch Live PD or Cops.  White people that are high or drunk?  They’re generally chill and don’t try and fight.  Blacks that are high or drunk?  Holy crap - they’re all over the place, running, swinging, fighting.  

Despite being a far lower percentage of the population!

No it didn’t happen because private businesses can’t be used as polling locations in most jurisdictions!  Schools, churches, muni buildings.  

Not enough out there is my thought.....

That’s not a valid excuse.  Saying he didn’t know it was wrong or what the penalty would be is crap.  He had multiple opportunities to alert the court of his issue and failed on all of them.  

I get the feeling you wouldn’t feel the same if he happened to be a juror on your court case.  Or if you were any number of people working the court that day.  There are clear laws and penalties for breaking those laws and the judge was totally within their rights to hand down this penalty.  Quite different than a

Isn’t this the right answer? I feel like only things that you can’t change or choose should be protected - race for example. When you can start choosing to be a different sex or gender or whatever then how does that deserve protection?

He lived on the same floor as Botham - but there is no way he heard ANYTHING unless he was directly next door - which he was not.  

Nope - Dallas unmarked are white or black not silver.  Silver is for UC or detectives.  

Right? I can’t figure out how this doesn’t get thrown out of court in 5 minutes. From the attorney himself - “The blind and visually impaired must have access to websites and apps to fully and equally participate in modern society—something nobody disputes. This outcome furthers that critical objective for them and is

She gained some weight and looks amazing!!!  

Relaying my order to a person gives it a 100% chance they’ll fuck it up.  Doing it on an app or screen guarantees that my order will go to the kitchen with exactly what I want - now if it gets messed up from there that’s another issue.