your town is next.

Also: "While it’s easy to mock these voters, at least they’re willing to openly confirm the insanity of the Oscar voting process."

"Having the cast show up in T-shirts saying 'I can’t breathe' [at their New York premiere]—I thought that stuff was offensive."

I feel confident in assuming that these "camping trips" are just a ruse to allow Jimmy Fallon to hunt terminally ill children for sport.

Oh, I got the joke. But I felt it important to highlight what a complete zero his career has been, outside of being handed two late night TV legacies in rapid succession. The dude's whole life is like pure, uncut white privilege.

I won't speak for Woz, but:
He's in Almost Famous for one scene where he's practically wallpaper, I've never seen Band of Brothers and I feel OK with continuing that streak, Whip It was forgettable, Delocated never did it for me, his one episode of 30 Rock is easily skippable, and he single-handedly fucked up the

For the past couple years my B&J of choice has been Bonnaroo Buzz, a flavor named after a smelly hippy drug-fuck festival that I would never in my right mind attend. But I'll eat it, even though my recent blood tests indicate that I should really not be eating it.

Every time Brian Cox talks in that movie, it's a delight.

It's at least certain that he had one major influence.


Are you dead?


The book is… difficult. Personally, I'd give a much stronger recommendation to Shteyngart's previous novel, Absurdistan.

My impression of Fred Armisen's creative process: "Is everybody ready to start filming? It took me 6 days, but I was able to find the perfect poncho-and-wig combination for my character! WHOOPS I FORGOT TO WRITE JOKES."

A better argument: They gave five seasons to "The Whitest Kids U' Know."

Gobbless Hal Hartley for his continued dedication to putting James Urbaniak's face on camera.

Yawn. Troll harder. This weak shit isn't worthy of either of us. If you want to start a beef, don't bring your C-game.

It'll be a lot better when you learn to stop projecting, muchacho.

Tell us more about what you know of feminists, Bobby. Have you seen one up close and lived to tell the tale, or only traced their movements by the tracks of cloven hooves and the scaly sheddings of their reptilian wings?

You are adorable.

Yeah, I know, bro. You and I already went over this. I guess it must be difficult to recognize the point from under your fedora.