your town is next.

I didn't feel like the problem was with the voices being distinctive, so much as not being cleanly recorded. Mostly it didn't seem to fit to the action on screen, like someone took voice clips from Intolerable Cruelty and edited them into these scenes for a YouTube bit. Did they cut this trailer using scratch

Because he did?

In 35 years, the Post will dust off their now-classic headline:

I have it on good authority that Suddenly has read the book. However, let's keep in mind that the book is actually kind of a clumsy turd of a novel.

I believe that line is "He's banal and facile," Butt.

Do you regret telling a joke that weak, Caruso?

Every summer in New York has been loaded with these free outdoor movies, but this year the city almost seems lousy with them. And the HBO movie series in Bryant Park, which is perhaps the most popular of the lot, is the one that's become the most disagreeable. Lately they're choosing movies that don't really make for

You are supposed to be dead, Warren Oates. Get out of here!

Yeah. It was suppose to come out last summer or fall. In fact, Amelie even hated on it in a separate article last year. What does that tell you?

And turn in your badge, Rabin! After that stunt, I'm taking you off the case!

No "Isn't It A Pity" either. We're all learning to live with disappointment.

Burl, you fat little fuck! I love you.

Best of all, he shot this friggin movie last year. And they're only now giving it a release date. And a blandly unconvincing poster. So what do you want to bet it's not going to make it to that October release date before the studio gets cold feet and retools the living shit out of it?

Seriously? I dumped a girl because she said she hated Ghostbusters.

He's been threatening the filmgoing public with that remake for like 3 or 4 years now. But he's also constantly busy with making awful Denzel Washington vehicles and mooching off his far more talented brother to ever get around to such a herculean effort of visually obnoxious genre trash.

Not that I really revel in digging graves around here, but why hasn't any mention been given to David Eddings passing?

Died from lowered standards
Maybe this book could have gotten a solid A, if his dad hadn't cried so much.

This is the same shit that happened to Ed Burns.

I cannot see a possible set of circumstances where the answer would not be killing Patricia Arquette.

The phrasing was a little clumsy. I would have said "… once it lost its Sheen"