White people in Europe are responsible for American racism. #itookout90kinstudentloanstoreachthisconclusion
White people in Europe are responsible for American racism. #itookout90kinstudentloanstoreachthisconclusion
QQ more noob.
You’re a terrible writer.
I think you don’t know what that word means.
In the year 2015 there is nothing brave about pretending to be a woman.
PC garbage.
Pathetic. Try getting a job and taking care of your kids 50/50. That’s manly shit, you slacker.
I’ll be pissed if I don’t win this auction.
Go fuck a hockey stick.
DNA test says He.
I’ve notified Jezebel that you treat punching a woman differently than punching a man. Prepare to be smeared for mansplaining.
I’ve notified Jezebel that you treat punching a woman differently than punching a man. Prepare to be smeared for mansplaining.
OMG you’re so progressive! That’s awesome!
When you’re wrong, you’re horribly wrong. TL;DR: You’re wrong.
Lighten up, Francis.
Trains run on tracks, it’s impossible to drive them anywhere except forward and backwards on an expected route. Bait your hook and fish out a new analogy, consumer. The chaos of family and children is a wonderful reminder that work related goals and social interactions with other childless consumers are empty and…
Statistically speaking, you’re probably not.
No, you don’t.
People without children are trainwrecks. Grow up and have kids, loser.