I bet "American hero", aka The Nanny from Hell's favorite beer is Budweiser.
I bet "American hero", aka The Nanny from Hell's favorite beer is Budweiser.
[Looks through the songs he's recently "shazzam'd"]
The Lego Movie was more impressive than the USMNT.
neither does your sense of humor
Mr. Pink: I don't tip because society says I have to. Alright, I mean I'll tip if somebody really deserves a tip. If they put forth the effort, I'll give them something extra. But I mean, this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned they're just doing their job.
It was pretty sad when Gavin Newsome was shut the fuck down by Adam fucking Carolla not too long ago...
"An adult soccer referee born (and died) in south Detroit..."
Jesus fucking Christ
this was the perfect diversion after the NHL and NBA playoffs... Now we can sit back and watch Johnny F'ng football act a fool until training camp and then... Real football will be here and this World Cup stuff will be a distant memory.
Dear Tim Howard,
Howard is a cyborg.
Which is the more University of Florida going Florida moment:
as shocking as the Costa Rican run has been, none would be more shocking than them beating the Netherlands
this round of Imperials are on me, tall boys even!
And with all the bouncing around he's done, he's only a couple shades away from being a Tigger.
wasn't he blubbering BEFORE the penalty kicks even started?
Even that creepy & spastic kid from the Rays game earlier this week is like "bro, chill the fuck out."