
I found this review much more interesting because it actually dealt with the episode itself:

+1 on the overly-blatant product placement. The way they lingered on the remote-startup (from a phone I guess?), I thought there would be a bomb or something. Then I realized it was just product placement.

While I enjoyed the book… what really bugged me was a flaw in the author's own logic. Several times the author refers to the universe Jason 2 entered as being static post-kidnapping… "Jason 1 loved THIS version of his wife & son, and no other." etc When, by the novel's own premise, the branches would have continued

But up until then, I was fascinated by the fact that Louie was the first truly "post-racial" show I had ever seen. Not only her daughters but her own self in flash-back was white… and so it really was, that the character transcended the color of their skin. I loved that there was absolutely no mention of "race" or