
I'm currently looking to switch jobs and only have my name, basic info, and picture publicly visible. My picture shows me kissing a beer can. I'm not obviously drunk or doing any vulgar, I'm just kissing a beer can (there's a story). I'm sure that picture has cost me at least a couple jobs, but quite frankly I

I thought Google came out in the past and said that any possible tablet would be running Android and NOT Chrome OS.

@OCEntertainment: Maybe you need to issue a correction as well. Do you wish to revise your statement?

@ataturk returns: I pose valid points and back up my argument with facts. Just because you disagree with me does not make me a troll. As quick as the trigger is on the banhammer, I think the fact that I haven't been banned is evidence of this. Randoming implying that someone is a troll and should be banned without

@OCEntertainment: You initiated this exchange by being snarky and claiming I was "butthurt" so how dare you point the finger at me and accuse me of being difficult to talk to. You started at me straight away and never looked back.

@rototrack: No, if the iPad sold only 10,000 units the first month it would have been a failure despite being a new product line. However, it was known that the faithful would buy it anyway, even if they had no real apparent need for it.

@Dutters: Success != Matching Apple. The point of the article was that the Torch didn't meet expectations. You are crazy if you think the Torch was more hyped than that original iPhone. Why is it that anytime some has something less than positive to say about Apple they have to be a troll. I'm making valid points

@SakuRedux: It doesn't matter that Apple had yet to make a phone. The hype and expectations were there and no one questioned whether or not it would work. Bottom line Apple created a device with MORE hype and expectations and sold LESS units. Comparison VALID.

@yertle: You couldn't tell that from the hype leading up to the launch. Go on, count the number of posts on Gizmodo leading up to the original iPhone's launch and compare that to the Torch.

@OCEntertainment: I think my point is crystal clear even if you choose to not see it for the sake of being an ass. The article tries the paint the Torch as a colossal failure because they didn't meet some expectations and sell a million units its first week, because anything less is unacceptable. If you don't recall

@cc: Apple didn't need a 'Apple phone' user base. They had the 'Apple' user base. Anything Apple makes is instantly marketable to that crowd. WebOS was a much of a dramatic shift for Palm as was Apple putting together a phone.

@Matt0505: My comparison is perfectly valid. He mentions the sales the of the Pre in the article. Palm, with WebOS, was a brand new product. You can't compare the sales of the Torch to the Pre and NOT the original iPhone.

@cc: Neither was the Palm Pre, but that seemed to find its way into the article....

Funny how you strategically left out the paltry initial sales of the original iPhone, which was < 100,000.

@mmmiles: 1/3 off is 1/3 off. Suggesting that something is more valuable just because it's selling at a "premium price" is the exact irrational logic that makes most people dislike the Apple crowd. $99 is a VERY common price for a smartphone that isn't made by Apple. It's a far cry from "cheap". Just because Apple

@thehornedone: You completely missed the point. Besides the fact that you're comparing one week to one month, I'm just saying that sometimes a sale is just a sale. It doesn't necessarily mean the end of the world.

However awful I think this phone is, I think you're jumping to conclusions. After all, didn't Apple knock 1/3 of the price off of the original iPhone just 2 months after its release. Of course, it was the beginning of the end for them too...

Unless they make it multitouch and place it horizontally in front of you. It would be revolutionary...