
No matter how good the full size Dysons are DO NOT buy the handheld. It does not pick up more than a few flecks of dust and must be recharged constantly. AVOID.

No matter how good the full size Dysons are DO NOT buy the handheld. It does not pick up more than a few flecks of

One shoulder mounted RPG and your far from disaster just cooked all inside.

Luther (on netflix)

If enough money and reconfiguring can fix something I am not sure that doesn’t get it off the hook for being a POS at launch. I am sure the F35 will be just fine in 10 years and billions later as well.

Who do we have to petition for a twitch like stream of ISS playing Alien Isolation?

Agreed except for Brad Bird. Bird is untouchable to me.

We as a country root for the government to fail us, expect it to fail us, and when it does fail us, use that to justify our belief government sucks.

Oh my god I remember this game. This was the Doom like Star Wars game?

I know you. You are the kid in school who kicked the birds on the playground.

You are a tough love kind of guy I can tell. In any case you would never be friend of mine so this conversation is kinda irrel...

Agreed, as long as it isn't horribly offensively bad I am all in on the visuals. The originals were chaotic and punk in the best ways (well the 2nd one for me at least.) This could be the new Dark Knight (taking a genre and upending expectations.)

But you classify watching the episodes at once as some kind of control issue when a lot of us would watch them because we want to experience the show on fresh terms not after hearing so and so was killed, etc by people who suck.

I don't usually nerd out on cinematography but I am already excited to watch the making of on what they did. Hoping it is lots of in camera, less post effects.


It always comes back to bad design and poor maintenance. We as people love new shiny things we suck at keeping our old toys working.

I miss the Murilee era of Jalopnik so much.

The dickheads that spoil the show are the problem not the people who don’t want to watch them in one big dump.

Netflixing as in adopting the release style of Netflix (all at once.)

The analogy I have is for shows like this is it is like wine tasting. You don’t just get wasted or if you do you regret it the next day. Learn to enjoy it, savor it.

Seems they were 480p copies sent to caption writers. Also seems the rest of the season is going to leak soon. Fucking horrible.