
I'm not surprised to find the comments full of fat jokes but I'm genuinely looking forward to this; I've always admired his work and I think I've seen ever interview he ever gave. The man was magnificently charismatic, intelligent and a natural raconteur.

Well he was fairly fat (and old) when banging Oja Kodar, more than two decades his junior and a stone cold fox.

Shenanigans court has reviewed your declaration and we find grounds for shenanigans in the first degree.

Hurm . . .

You have out-weirded me this day, strange sir, with your odd monologuing and suspect facts. May unexplainable and refreshing winds be always at your back.

> Danny McBride

I still need a

"how he went from good-dad back to selfish con artist?"

Oh no, peer pressure! My greatest weakness after attractive women, attractive men, kittens, cats, Kit Kats and bullets.

I have no strong opinions on this one way or the other and hope things turn out for the best; I just wanted to feel included.

Wew lad.

Me personally, I can't stand Matt Goldberg.


Yeah but that's only because they haven't found the bodies . . . yet.

Well, maybe possibly one out of four ain't bad.

Philistine is another good one! I used to call my brother that in a withering tone of voice whenever he asked me if I wanted to watch something like Transformers, before returning my attention to whatever issue of Spider-Man I was reading at the time.

Vulgarian is a seriously underused pejorative and describes Trump perfectly.

I think he looks like an irritated testicle.

I agree; it's bold in terms of jerking people around.