
Stan Lee to literally dance on Jack Kirby's grave.

The issue is why the fuck, with all the shit that is going down across the world, this is a fucking issue. People seem to react way more to a jocular comparison invoking genocide than they do to actual genocide.

The whole trailer sounds very first draft.

"Never rub another man's rhubarb"

Worse than omnicide.

"I don't know why."

"He was Beldar Conehead, back when that meant something."

Goat Simulator: An unpolished joke game that proves a surprising number of people have more spare cash than sense.

Pretty underwhelming stuff internet.

To be fair, when you get into the reality of it, it's a pretty understandable amount of anger.

What I want from a Spider-Man movie is a god damn giant spid-

"I liked the Raimi Spider-Man 3."

This is what you get when you hire a guy based on nothing more than a theme appropriate name! Life doesn't work like a comic book! Except that you do tend to come across a lot of overused punctuation!

Yeah, I was on the trial for a while but I've found my deliveries more timely and reliable under the non-Prime free delivery option.

If Doom's in charge, Latveria gets best internet service.

Man, I was a fan of the Ultimate FF comics and I really want to like a Fantastic Four movie, but this looks someone's taking the trappings of the Ultimate series and grafting them onto the look/structure of the Alba films.

The Taming of the Shill?

Amazon: Become a Prime member and you can get a free digital copy of The Princess Diaries or a Jeffrey Archer novel!
Me: Amazon, you're embarrassing both of us.

Guillermo Del Toro to unveil perfected cloning machine.

Not really though. Marty calls him out fairly regularly ("you still sound panicked","I've noticed you have a tendency toward myopia, tunnel vision, blows investigations, vision skews, twists evidence", "You're like the Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch") "and it's explicitly stated/shown that most people can't