
Here are these adorable puppies you’re not allowed to pet. Enjoy your stay in hell!

wait... but she won the coin flip. So they aren’t even playing by those rules. 

This all seems really Shady. 

Under Ohio law, strippers are not allowed to touch patrons—unless it’s a family member.”

I mean, these dudes are scum, but the scum buying cheats also deserve to have their info stolen.

Blue Hole is so terrible. 

I’m wondering if the two switches (yours and the landlords) are causing network loops. You could check to make sure spanning tree protocol is enabled on both to make sure this is not the case.

uh no, it sold well on both platforms. The problem is they are a crap developer. If they can’t make a polished game on 1 or 2 platforms, how do you expect the are going to do taking on development for “every platform”?

That was my main gripe with AMD, so many driver issues...

Xbox: “Feel free to play your old games again!”

proprietary memory cards killed that system before it launched

“I’ll wait for it to come to Netflix” is code for “It’s probably a shitty movie and I don’t want to pay money for it”. Anything you actually want to watch you can rent from one of the many streaming services.

If you’ve been playing long enough, you would of noticed a serious demotion in the SMG’s strengths. I used to take a kitted out UMP over AR’s with missing attachments.

I look down on any game where “bunny jumping” is the main fight tactic, and don’t get me started with the dancing, so much cringe.   

“The world we live in”... where somehow a game like Overwatch is still popular.

I’ve got no horse in the race. The puck wasn’t even in the goalies mitt, it was between his legs. The only reason the puck came free is because he was being spun around.

yeah, I have a blast just getting on with friends and sailing around. Even if we aren’t accomplishing anything.

“put a paper plate between your food and your regular plate” ... you mean just use a paper plate?

“put a paper plate between your food and your regular plate” ... you mean just use a paper plate?

When your keyboard and mouse aren’t as good as you claimed against controllers, it’s time to hack some system files.

They probably didn’t get the 5 finger discount.