
Does it record as an mp4 file?

This is what happens when you take away fundamental parts of the game like items to make it more “competitive”.

Unless she’s a ventriloquist, it looks like the one in black says that... 

I clicked to see how it was done, not to do it. You on the other hand posted a “edgy” comment, where is seems this article would actually save on the wear and tear of your machine.

facebook. is still going to be there for you even if it takes an extra 18 seconds

why wouldn’t you when a full boot takes 20 seconds?

I’m still having a good time with the game as well. Admittedly I probably haven’t ran into as many issues as other people because I like to sample my games like a fine wine, not a buffet line. So I haven’t put too many hours in. 

Definitely. It also somehow feels more rewarding, as far as leveling and loot.

Unpopular opinion, but I’m enjoying this game more than Red Dead 2

no part of Ohio is more Michigan

No doubt the supervisor is in a union, that’s just a slap on the wrist after his union rep argues for him.

I really like my PSP and wanted to get a Vita but I knew soon as they announced the proprietary memory cards again, that it was dead in the water. 

Don’t feed him, looking at the comment history it’s just an angry lonely person.

Are they trying to skinny shame her?

The student gets in a defensive posture, whatever he did he knew that could be the response.

Seems like something someone who names their child Journey Moon would do....

I came for hockey dudes talking about hockey and you bet my boomeranged twiggie I wasn’t disappointing.

I guess... if cosmetic item injustice is enough to keep you away from good game play

old habits die hard

whatever, same crap cops circle jerk to